Back when I was 15 and in Air Cadets, we were on a
winter survival weekend just outside Thunder Bay, when my best friend, Pat and I decided to take the snowmobiles out for a spin on the lake after
dinner on a cloudy really dark night. As we skimmed along the snow and ice of
the lake, we enjoyed the brisk winter night until we decided to head back to
camp and realized that we had gotten ourselves turned around and couldn’t find
the camp anymore. We tried to follow our tracks back, but because there were so
many tracks criss-crossing all over the lake, that didn’t help. As we drove
around the lake, Pat suddenly spotted a light shining in the dark, waving back
and forth. Our captain had gone out onto the ice and was waving a spot-light
into the night sky to bring us back. When we drove up, the captain was freezing
from standing in the bitter cold, but he didn’t curse us or even punish us, he
was simply happy that we were back safely. As I let this story of Jesus and the
Pharisees settle into my heart this
week, this memory of my captain standing there in the cold and freezing for Pat
and I, wouldn’t go away.
It was a picture of what I think Jesus is getting at
here. Jesus is drawing a crowd as he travels around teaching the people about
God, inviting them to trust God’s love and commitment to them, calling them to
repent and believe. But it’s not the Pharisees and teachers of the law who
recognize that Jesus is from God, instead it’s the sinners and tax collectors
who gather around Jesus to hear what he has to say. Now for the Jews, hearing
was more than simply listening, hearing means that you listen and them put what
you’ve heard into action into your life.
Now the proper people, the ones who seem
to have their lives all together, are muttering, “This
man welcomes sinner and eats with them.” This is said with a bit of a
sneer and a sense that they’re better than Jesus, what’s Jesus thinking, eating
with people like that. Jesus just doesn’t seem to care about the laws God put
into place to keep the nice people separate from the scummy people, Jesus doesn’t
seem to understand or care about who proper people should hang around with or
eat with. You need standards after-all. Jesus actually hangs out with sinners
as if they were family or kin, as if they were acceptable.
So, Jesus tries to explain to the Pharisees through a series
of parables why he’s with the sinners. Jesus wants to help them see why he’s hanging
out with the sinners, why it’s so important. Jesus asks them to imagine that
they’re shepherds. The shepherd is a common image in Jewish thought and usually
refers to leaders in Israel. One of the most well known passages of the
shepherd as leader comes from the prophet Ezekiel who talks about uncaring
shepherds in chapter 34 and tells the people that God himself will come and
seek and rescue his sheep and care for them. The idea that God is a shepherd to
his people is also found in the well-loved shepherd psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want.”
Jesus asks, “Suppose
one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t
he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until
he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and
goes home.’”
The shepherd loses a sheep and leaves the ninety-nine sheep in a safe place
where they can keep eating and goes to look for the lost sheep. This is what a
shepherd does. Sheep have a natural tendency to wander away, following the
grass without often being aware of any danger, going off on its own without
really thinking. There’s nothing more helpless than a lost sheep: they have no
natural defenses against lions, eagles, wolves or other predators. The shepherd
doesn’t easily give up, he goes after the lost sheep until he finds it.
Video of looking for lost
We often
picture the shepherd strolling through the fields, keeping
an eye out for the lost sheep. It’s always a sunny day and not too hot in our
minds. We never think that it might be dangerous for the shepherd, we only see
a cute lamb wandering on rolling hills, the shepherd finds the sheep, easily lifting
the sheep onto his shoulders and strolling back to the flock. But the reality
is different, sheep have a way of finding themselves in odd and often dangerous
places. The shepherd needs to work hard and even risk his life at times to save
the sheep from their own foolishness. Even while getting a sheep out of a dangerous situation, they will often fight against the shepherd. Carrying a 100 pound sheep who is struggling and wiggling on your shoulders is hard work. Do you get why the shepherd calls his
family and friends together to celebrate finding the lost sheep? It takes a lot
of effort to find, save and bring home a lost sheep. It’s not like walking the
trails at Chickakoo and coming across a small lamb, picking it up, putting it
on our shoulders and heading home; this is about a full-grown sheep in rough
country needing to be found and saved.
meaning of the parable is no secret. Even in
the Old Testament, prophets like Isaiah were calling those who’ve drifted away
from God lost sheep. Isaiah 53:6, “We
all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and
the Lord has laid on him the
iniquity of us all.” Our going astray is usually not about
deliberately going out and doing what we know is wrong and hurting God, someone
else or ourselves. Most of the time we’re like sheep, nose to the ground
following our appetites, whether it’s food, pleasure, power, or whatever, and
then, as Tim Keller says, we take the good things God gives us and make them
gods, they become more important to us than Jesus. Rosario Butterfield describes
how Jesus saves us his sheep, Jesus comes
untouched by the original sin that distorts, the actual sin that distracts, and
the indwelling sin that manipulates. Jesus is no puppet on the strings of
Satan, as we too often are. And when Jesus fulfilled the law by dying on the
cross and rising by his own power to sit at God the Father’s right hand, he
gave his people the power to overcome the sin that enslaves them. He gave us
his blood to wash away our sins, he gave us his Word to instruct and heal us,
and he sent the Holy Spirit to lead us in conviction and repentance of sin and
to comfort us by the assurance that his saving love is rock solid.
Jesus is
telling the Pharisees that he’s the good
shepherd from Zechariah who has come to find the lost sheep and bring them back
home and every time a person comes back to God, it’s party time, “there’s rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over
one sinner who repents.” The sinners that Jesus is accused of eating
with are the lost that Jesus has come to find and bring home. The sinners have
responded to Jesus’ call to “Come follow me, repent and
believe for the kingdom of God is near.” By eating with these sinners,
Jesus is giving us a small glimpse of what waits for us, a banquet feast where
Jesus is our host and we’re washed clean of our sin, healed from our sin, and
being reconciled to our heavenly father who is number one in
our lives again.
Jesus is
inviting the Pharisees and us to join him in seeking the
lost and bringing them home to the father again. This isn’t easy clean work,
it’s hard, messy and sometimes dangerous; talk to our brothers and sisters in places
like Syria, Egypt and other countries who have given their lives when going
after the lost. We may get discouraged because we don’t see any results and yet
we also believe that when God works in their lives, calling them to himself,
that they’re unable to resist his call on their hearts, so we don’t give up. We’re
called to go and make disciples because we
deeply love our neighbours and want them to be
with us at Jesus’ banquet. This is all about bringing home the lost, those who
have forgotten that they’re children of God, loved deeply by their father. When
the Holy Spirit moves them to accept Jesus as their shepherd, as their saviour,
what an amazing time to celebrate!