Thursday, 21 June 2012

Life through the eyes of a child

Having our daughter and grandson living with us is a beautiful blessing and I've discovered that my grandson helps me understand what life should be like. The world is a wonderful place for Real, a place where there are people who love  him and are always willing to stop for a moment to tickle him, hug him, or make strange and funny faces and noises at him. Got to wonder at the adults who are making the faces and noises :)
Real is always ready to laugh, at least when he's not hungry or his diaper isn't too full, and he's always willing to discover something fascinating and new. A dandelion ready to let go of its seeds is the best toy, at least until the seeds are off, a squirrel running along the branch outside our living room window is the most entertaining thing in his life at that moment. Running and bumping into our dog Babette and trying to grab her tail as she runs away provides moments of pure joy. Then, when Real runs out of energy for a few moments, he comes with his arms out high to be held and cuddled with his bottle until his energy and curiosity is replenished.
Imagine our faith life like that, an endless curiosity about Jesus and the world, a desire to explore and discover what lies around the next corner, grabbing pleasure as it comes by, then slowing down and watching as creation happens right in front of us. Imagine where our first reaction is trust, where we head out into the world every morning with our eyes wide open; looking forward to experience what lies ahead of us in the day and excited about the opportunities to see God around us and with us. Imagine a place where people are willing to stop, offer a hug, a smile or even a laugh with complete strangers because they fascinate us and we want to know more about them. And then, when we get tired, we stop and turn to God with our spiritual arms held up, ready to be held and hugged for a while until our energy is replenished again.
My grandchildren have opened up the world to me again, showing me how amazing it really is. It's too bad that we so easily become cynical, that many people purposely cultivate a cynical view of life because its 'cool'. I'm becoming child-like again and life holds much more joy again. I think Jesus knew what he was talking about when he told us we need to be more like little children. Try it, I think you'll like it!

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Transformed - Romans 12:1-2

GEMS Sunday is always a special Sunday, and I especially love your theme verse this year, “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but...